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The 2006 Biennale on education in Africa

Side Meetings organized by ADEA Working Groups and other partners
from 23 to 27 March and 01 April 2006


Friday 24/03
Saturday 25/03
Sunday 26/03
Monday 27/03
Monday 01/04
09:00 - 13:00

WG Higher Education Steering Committee Meeting/ Comité directeur

The primary purpose of the WGHE SC is to review the conclusions and recommendations of the ASSESSMENT Task Team in order to make strategic decisions about the WG's future

WG Higher Education Steering Committee Meeting/
Comité directeur

WG Open Learning and Distance Education Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will review the outcomes of the Technical Committee's meeting held in February to decide on the way forward

UNESCO BREDA Launch of the Decade of Education for sustainable development/Lancement de la Décennie de l'Education pour le Développement Durable
(11 :00-13-00)
Steering Committee of ADEA
14:30 - 17:30

UNESCO BREDA Launch of the Decade of Education for sustainable development Lancement de la Décennie de l'Education pour le Développement Durable

WG Education Sector Analysis Technical Meeting

WGECD Steering Committee

InWEnt - Workshop on Capacity Building in Educational Budgeting.
Presentation of MECOFIBU (Managing Educational Costs, Finance and Budgeting) The objective is to inform about the 1 and 1/2 years capacity building programme in Educational Budgeting MECOFIBU. Participants to the MECOFIBU programme will present some specific issues like output budgeting, how to forecast teachers´ costs and the issue of budgeting under decentralisation. At the end of the workshop a discussion should shed light on the following questions: What are the demands and needs of capacity building in educational budgeting in the African countries and does MECOFIBU meet these needs? Does it address the core problems of the countries´ education sector?

Evening Cocktail: Cocktail: Cocktail: WG Books and Learning Materials : Book Launch (a proposal)
18 :00-18 :45