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The 2006 Biennale on Education in Africa

Draft Agenda
Libreville, Gabon, March 27- 31, 2006

Click here to download the detailed program in PDF format (1,9 Mo)

Monday March 27

Tuesday March 28

Wednesday March 29

Thursday March 30

Friday March 31

9h00 – 11h00

Caucus of Ministers
Presentation and Discussion: Perspectives on a new decade of Education in Africa 2006-2015: the outcome of the African Union's Summit in Khartoum (Sudan), by H. E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konaré, Chairman of the African Union Commission

Plenary Session 1 : General Introduction

-Speeches by Keynote Speakers, H.E. Nahas Angula, Prime Minister of Namibia and Dr. Birger Fredriksen, Education Expert (from 9h-9h40)

- Presentation of the EFA Monitoring Report on Literacy in Africa by Nicolas Burnett, Director of the EFA Monitoring Report with an introduction by Peter Smith, ADG Education / UNESCO (from 9h40 - 10h)

- Discussion : 30 mn (from 10h - 10h30)

- Presentation of Gabon's Peer Review experience by Hon. Mr. Albert Ondo Ossa, Gabon's Minister of National Education and Higher Learning (10h30 - 11h)

In-depth parallel sessions (Session I):


Efficient Literacy Programs
Parallel Session A-1 :
Vision, Policy and Strategy : Analysis and Prospects for Future Development
- Film (25 mn)
-Indicators and data for formulating policy
-Factors that contribute to change: a case study of Burkina Faso
-Case example: Cape Vert
-Case example: Brazil

Effective schools and quality improvement
Parallel Session B-1 :
Characteristics of Effective Schools
-Factors and conditions of effectiveness in African schools: Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania
-Cost-efficient Inputs : a meta-analysis of the SACMEQ and PASEC Evaluations
-Child-friendly schools: UNICEF's experience

Early Childhood Programs in Africa that can be scaled up
Parallel Session C-1:
Preparing the Child for School and Future Development

-Guaranteeing effective care practices at family and community levels
- Adult Education, Literacy Programmes and Early Childhood Development - Namibia's Experience
-Fatherhood and Men's Role in Early Childhood Development - South Africa's Experience

Round table discussion: Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges :

- Quality Education for All: addressing the obstacles (HIV/AIDS, civil conflicts…) by Françoise Caillods, Assistant Director, IIEP/UNESCO (15-20 mn)

Opportunities :
- Innovations in communications and NICTS by Alfred Opubor, Coordinator of ADEA Working Group on Communication, Education and Devleopment and Sushita Gokhool Ramdoo, ADEA Working Froup on Distance Education and Open Learning (15-20 mn) - The EPT Fast Track Initiative: a catalyst for quality education for all in Africa by Hon. Mr. Haja Nirina Razafinjatovo, Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Madagascar and Desmond Birmingham, DfID, former FTI co-Chair (15-20 mn)

Session 5 : Presentation of conclusions of in-depth parallel sessions

9:00 - 9:45 Presentation and discussion of conclusions on Literacy

9:45 - 10:30 Presentation and discussion of conclusions on effective schools

10:30 - 11:15 Presentation and discussion of conclusions on ECD
11h00 – 11h30
Break Break Break Break
11h30 – 13h00

Caucus of Ministers

11h15 - 11h45
Presentation and Discussion: Ministers' involvement in the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Africa by Ms. Lalla Aicha Ben Barka, Director of BREDA, UNESCO's Regional Office for Education in Africa

11h45 - 12h15
Dialogue between Ministers of Education and Ministers of Finance: lessons learned by the Working Group for Finance and Education

12h15 - 13h00
Peer Review presentation: Mauritius' experience by the Working Group on Sector Analysis



Plenary Session 2 : The Foundations and Evolution of Literacy in Africa

1. Why invest in African Literacy Programs? (15-20 mn)

2. Ruptures and trends: new representations of Literacy, (15-20 mn)

Discussions : 45 mn

In-depth parallel sessions (Sessions II) :


Efficient Literacy

Parallel Session A-2:
Effective and Promising Programs
-General introduction on effective and promising programs
-Diversifying education's offer and orientation towards general demand Project in support of the professional training of neo-literates
-Pedagogical options and learning processes -Formal / Non-Formal connections

Effective schools and quality improvement
Parallel Session B-2 :
Teachers and School Principals at the Center of Changes in the School and the Classroom
-Round table discussion on:
- School Principals' leadership as a factor of effectiveness: studies of Guinea, Mali, Senegal and Central African Republic
- The teachers' effect: Lessons learned in Africa


ECD Programs in Africa that can be scaled up

Parallel Session C-2:
A Transition Period to Prepare the School for the Child

-The Bernard Van Leer Foundation's experience
-Moving Forward into Primary School, South Africa
-Transition into Primary School, Kenya

In-depth parallel sessions
(Sessions V) :
(11h30 - 13h30)


Efficient Literacy
Parallel Session A-5 :
From Literacy to Lifelong Learning
- General introduction on going from literacy to lifelong learning
-Indicators of the Right to Education
-Lifelong learning
-Literacy and globalization
-Educational equivalence systems

Effective schools and quality improvement
Session parallèle B-5
The Equity Imperative
(11:30 - 12:15) : Review of cost-efficient non-formal education programs: Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda and Mali

--Requirements for quality education in disadvantaged rural areas : analyses, recommendations, good practices and policy perspectives arising from the FAO/IIPE/ADEA seminar
(12:15 - 13:30) The pedagogical perspective of gender in the quality of education


ECD Programs in Africa that can be scaled up

Session parallèle C-5:
Different types of Interventions at the Pre-School Level

-Guaranteeing access to basic quality services
-Bisongo, Burkina Faso's experience
-From Vision to Action: Strategies for the Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs
-HIV/AIDS and ECD, Rwanda's experience

11:45 - 12:30 General conclusions: Discoveries and lessons learned on the effectiveness of learning and of educational and training systems

12:30 - 13:00
Closing Ceremony

13h00 – 14h30

Lunch break

Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break

14h30 – 16h00

14h30 - 17h00
Caucus of Ministers

1. Presentation of the Bureau of Ministers' Activity Report by the Chair of the Bureau of African Ministers, Hon. Mrs. Rosalie Kama-Niamayoua, Republic of Congo

2. Discussions on the strategic framework concerning ADEA's future activities

3. Election of a new Bureau of Ministers

Plenary Session 3 :
Conditions and Factors of Effective Schools in Africa

1. Characteristics of effective schools in Africa: the role of the school Director, the teacher effect and community contributions by Adriaan Verspoor, Education Expert and Coordinator of ADEA's ad hoc Working group on Quality (15-20 mn)

2. Bilingual education, active pedagogies and pertinent curricula: factors of effective learning by Hon. Mrs. Becky Ndjoze-Ojo, Deputy Minister of Education of Namibia (15-20 mn)

Discussions : 45 mn

In-depth parallel sessions (Sessions III) :


Efficient Literacy

Parallel Session A-3 :
The Stimulating Environment
-General introduction on the stimulating environment
- Languages and publications

Effective schools and quality improvement
Parallel Session B-3:
Reinforcing Responsibilities and Capacity Building of Schools and Communities in view of Improving Student Performance

- Film
- Round table discussion on:
- Decentralization and efficiency of school projects :
-- Direct financing for schools
-- o AFD/ADEA Study on school projects (Guinea, Madagascar and Senegal)
--WGBLM textbook review
-Community and parent participation
--Parent and community contributions to quality education for all : a study of eight African countries


ECD Programs in Africa that can be scaled up
Parallel Session C-3:
The Cost of Interventions for ECD

-Investing in ECD: potential benefits and savings
Evaluating the Costs of Scaling up ECD Interventions: the World Bank Costing Model with Burkina Faso and the Gambia
-Costing for Madrasa ECD Programmes

In-depth parallel sessions
(Sessions VI) :
(15:00 - 16:00)


Efficient Literacy

Session parallèle A-6
Conclusions : Main Findings and Recommendations arising from Sessions on Literacy
-Rapporteur's presentation

Effective schools and quality improvement
Parallel Session B-6 :
Conclusions : Main Findings and Recommendations arising from Sessions on Effective Schools and Quality Improvement

-Rapporteur's presentation
- Discussions








ECD Programs in Africa that can be scaled up
Parallel Session C-6:
Conclusions : Main Findings and Recommendations arising from Sessions on generally applicable ECD Programs in Africa

-Rapporteur's presentation
- Discussions
Steering Committee Meeting (For ADEA Steering Committee members only)
16h00 – 16h30

16h30 – 18h00


17h30 - 19h00
Official Opening Ceremony of the Biennial Meeting.

Ahlin Byll-Cataria, ADEA Chair (10 minutes)

Hon. Mrs. Rosalie Kama Niamayoua, Chair of the ADEA Caucus of African Ministers(10 minutes)

Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank (10 minutes)

H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar Konaré, President of the African Union Commission (15 minutes)

H.E. President Pedro de Verona Rodrigues Pires, of
the Republic of Cape Verde (15 minutes)

H.E. President El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba, of the Republic of Gabon (15 minutes)

Session 4 :
(C) Facing the Challenge of Defining Early Childhood Development Models that can be Scaled Up

1. The progress made in of early childhood development in Africa: promoting a favorable political environment by Agnes Aidoo, Consultant in Ghana and former UNICEF Representative for Tanzania and the Seychelles (15-20 mn)

2. Early childhood care and education in Sub-Saharan Africa: expanding and improving services by Alain Mingat, Research Director at France's National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), IREDU-Université de Dijon and Education Expert at the World Bank (15-20 mn)

Discussions : 45 mn

In-depth parallel sessions
(Sessions IV) :

Efficient Literacy
Parallel Session A-4 :
Mobilizing Resources and Capacity Building: Improving Program Cost-Efficiency
-Introduction on international adult literacy indexes
-Capacity building
-Funds for Literacy and Non-formal Education: Burkina Faso's FONAENF
-Costs and financing : international adult literacy indexes

Effective schools and quality improvement
Parallel Session B-4 :
For Effective Learning: Bilingual Education and Curriculum Reform
-Effective models of bilingual education and use of African languages in education: UIE/GTZ/ADEA Study -Reinforcing meaningful and effective learning through curricula adaptation: lessons from an inter-African seminar -Film on Bilingual Education

ECD Programs in Africa that can be scaled up
Parallel Session C-4 : Organization, Planning, Implementation
-UNESCO's experience Coordinating development and policy implementation
-Convergence, Coordination, Integration: Action at National Level -- Eritrean Integrated Early Childhood Development Program
-Convergence of Activities for the Survival and Integrated Development of the Young Child

Exhibit on experiences and innovations


Steering Committee Meeting (continued)

18h00 – 19h00  

Official Inauguration of the United Nations' Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

Click here to download the documents:

-Terms of reference

-AAS Draft ESD Strategy