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ADEA recognizes the essential role that the media can play in promoting issues that affect education, and ADEA has always accommodated the African press covering the biennial meetings.
As a forum for exchanges and reflection, the Biennial Meeting offers African journalists the opportunity to:
  1. cover an event important for education policy in Africa.
  2. meet and interview ministers of education, representatives from development organizations, researchers, and other actors who participate in the development of education on the continent.

Closed Door Meetings
The media is invited to cover the opening ceremony. However, in an effort to maintain a climate conducive to frank dialogue, the press will not be admitted to working meetings that are conducted as plenary sessions or small discussion groups.

Daily Press Conferences
A press conference will be organized before the opening of the Biennial Meeting and immediately after the closing ceremony. In addition, two press meetings will be organized every day to inform journalists of the progress and status of the work taking place.

Press Room
In order to help journalists work under the best possible conditions, ADEA will provide press facilities including telephone, fax, and computers with Internet access.
However, due to the limited number of computers we strongly recommend that journalists bring their own laptop computers.

For more information, please contact:

1/ Thanh-Hoa Desruelles
Communications Officer
7-9 rue Eugène Delaccoix
75116 Paris - France
Phone: + 33 (0)1 45 03 7769
Fax: + 33 (0)1 45 03 39 65
E-mail: th.desruelles@iiep.unesco.org

2/ Pascal Hoba
Information & communication consultant (ADEA)
Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 03 77 68
E-mail: p.hoba@iiep.unesco.org

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